Monday, September 5, 2011

so yesterday we went to the mountains to visit danis dog. that was a whole new experience. the road going up there reminds me of the road to big bear only more windy, narrower, and with more trucks. its always raining up there but the views are amazing. unfortunately i wasnt able to get any good pics.

 i did get to experience the famed costa rican rain. it was insane. it was probably raining harder than anything we ever had in san diego. it was crazy though because it would rain for like five minutes and then be sunny again. it was nuts, and they were telling me its regular here.  i also found a restaurant that carries a good selection of beers from around the world. so stoked! im going to go check that out ASAP. today annette and i are mostly going to be lounging and walking around the city. toodles!
our friends ´´street´´
aparently this is regular here haha

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